The Power of Before & After Photography to Make or Break Your Beauty Brand
For a beauty product brand, Before & After pictures are practically mandatory, especially when the claim is being made that a transformation will take place for your customer. In the age of selfies, influencers, and social media virality, the importance of your brand’s Before & After imagery, and the representations they make about your product’s results, takes on exponential proportions.
Redness Relief: Before & After Photography Study for Lancer Skincare
With its ever-growing ability to make or break your beauty brand, properly conveying what your product is capable of establishes a reputation of authenticity that enables long-term sales success. Consumers agree; studies show that 93% of women are paying close attention to efficacy claims of beauty products prior to purchase, and that 91% say they influence their purchase. In a recent survey of U.S. beauty and personal care consumers, 86% of respondents preferred retailers that require the claims made by the products they carry be independently tested.
And while honest brands will use Before & After photography to genuinely depict the positive effects of their products, consumer skepticism has become prevalent due to widespread past experiences with less-than-scrupulous brands using Before & After images manipulated in post-production to hide mediocre results and mislead consumers. For them, the FTC is seeking to impose a $43,792 civil penalty per violation; they also mandated refunds totaling $472 million to US consumers for deceptive marketing in 2021 alone.
Ultimately, a few bad apples will not spoil the usefulness of Before & After images, but the onus is on brands and photography studios alike to harness its usage ethically. Space & Light Digital is committed to providing beauty brands only the most authentic Before & After photography services available anywhere. We’re the only authorized photographer on the West Coast for vendors approved to sell on two of the largest and most famous global sales platforms in the cosmetics and beauty industry; our results are so good that we even get some approved vendors seeking our photography services from the East Coast territory as well.
Per contract, we’re not able to specifically mention by name these renowned shopping networks here on our website, but they are household names and you’ve definitely heard of them (and if all this secrecy is causing you to absolutely feel like you need to find out who exactly they are, just reach out to us and at that point we’re under no restriction to reveal all the details).
Once you discover who they are, and that they trust us with their stringent photographic standards, you can rest assured that we’re exceedingly capable of capturing beautiful Before & After images for any beauty brand, at any stage in its sales development.
In over a decade of dedicated Before & After photography experience, we have taken our expertise in capturing an exquisite image and developed an entire Before & After system around it that is designed to take young but established brands to the next higher levels of revenue growth.
But for nascent brands just barely getting started, we’ve got you covered as well. Our successful track record is to your advantage; use our extensive experience helping grow more established brands to propel your budding new brand into outsized sales revenue right from the launch.
Just Some of the Brands We’ve Helped Grow to Record Sales
The Space & Light Digital philosophy for Before & After images begins with the fact that it’s much more than just photography; we’re actually conducting a systematic study, and handling everything of which that entails. First we must learn your product, ensuring that we thoroughly understand your research and your product’s performance. Then we will cast and manage multiple subjects that will participate in the study, first pre-screening to eliminate any possible candidates that, for whatever reason, could negatively impact the results.We’re able to cast based on age, gender, ethnicity, skin conditions, Monk Skin Tone Scale, Fitzpatrick Scale, or any parameters you can think of that will effectively represent your ideal beauty customer.
Eventually, we narrow it down to a certain number of study participants, ideally up to 14 candidates so we can ensure we have plenty of good results that can be captured by the lens. Results can vary by individual, so having more subjects is definitely better when you’re depending on depicting a stark and obvious transformation having taken place. We ensure they are using the product as directed throughout the term, and gather feedback. Study participants are required to maintain a digital log to document their progress throughout the process. Managing so many study participants can be daunting for brands, so we take care of everything for you.
Behind the Scenes During a Before & After shoot at the Space & Light Digital Studio
And then of course, we will be photographing them before and after the study, capturing the magnificent effects of your product on these subjects, in our award-winning 6000 square foot studio, utilizing one or both of our state-of-the-art stages customized for digital photography and authorized to the highest standards of the previously mentioned (and remaining nameless for now), “largest and most famous global sales platforms in the cosmetics and beauty industry”.









Just a Few Examples of the Kinds of Before & After Studies We’ve Produced for Our Clients
Using absolutely zero retouching, we produce precision images right from the click of the camera. Paying close attention to matching angles, lighting, and backgrounds for all sessions, we ensure consistent, balanced images. Our on-set hair stylists and skin preppers, working closely with the digital image technician, make certain we capture clean skin in high resolution without any kind of detritus or stray hairs distracting from the clear photographic evidence of your product’s efficacy.
Space & Light Digital is adept at further enriching the ecommerce strategy for your beauty products by combining Before & After still images with the production of other types of photography and video capture.
In addition to being able to provide beautiful creative shots of the product itself, imagine how effective it could be to have an authentic video testimonial from the actual participants from the study to go along with their Before & After photographs?
Introducing Ultra Capture
In February we unveiled a brand-new innovation in Before & After depictions, taking authenticity to a level that no other photography studio is capable of producing. The culmination of our expertise and wealth of experience in professional image analysis, Ultra Capture is a revolutionary synthesis of high-resolution photography and state-of-the-art 360° video technology. It allows for a truly immersive experience where viewers can manipulate angles, zoom in on specific areas, and compare results across various sessions. It’s tangible evidence of your product’s effectiveness, elegantly presented in a single, user-friendly format. And the possibilities are virtually endless.
A Short Demonstration of how Ultra Capture is Experienced; Study Participant Used a Leading Acne Medication for Only 7 Days
Ultra Capture for the Ultimate Result
Ultra Capture provides enhanced clarity and more robust engagement by depicting your product’s transformative effects in exquisite detail. It allows you to tailor your storytelling and make possible the integration of many unique and engaging features, such as overlays of product shots, 3D animations, as well as infographics, and almost anything you can imagine. Ultra Capture also maximizes visibility and reach by being compatible with multiple platforms, from websites to social media, extending accessibility to multiple audiences and finding your ideal customers wherever they may be.
Validated by an overwhelming 99% approval in a focus group of skincare brands, Ultra Capture further solidifies Space & Light Digital as the premier photography studio choice for Before & After photography; seamlessly blending flawless photography technique with expertise in effective ecommerce optimization that drives increased revenue growth.